Workers and members of the Nigerian Labour congress NLC took to the streets on Wednesday 10th March 2021 in the cities of Lagos and Abuja to express their absolute dissatisfaction concerning the removal of the national minimum wage, importation of petrol and other pertinent issues affecting the welfare of the citizen of the country.
The national president of the congress Ayuba Waba in a statement said the congress is greatly displeased by the contemplation of the minimum wage removal from the exclusive list by Nigerian lawmakers.
Removal of minimum wage from the exclusive list to concurrent list implies that the minimum wage is no longer the responsibility of the federal government but now the state government, which obviously doesn’t go down well with members of the Nigerian workforce.
The leader of the NLC has said that more protest and an industrial action will follow if the government refuses to listen to the agitations of the congress.
The current minimum wage was set at N30,000 per month by the federal government but some state governors have said they can pay the amount which is why the lawmakers are contemplating its removal from the exclusive list.


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