Dear Lord,
As we celebrate this year’s children’s day in Nigeria 🇳🇬 May this day marks the end of the untimely death of children in this country.
Every blood suckling agent, that takes pleasure in the blood 💉 of children, shall continue to suck and drink 🍺 the blood of their children 🚼 May your mercy prevail over our children to preserve them.

As Samuel grew in Wisdom, likewise Jesus Christ and the host of other great men 👨🦰 and women 🙋 of our time, that have manifested your glory. May our children continue to grow in your wisdom, knowledge 📖 , and understanding in every aspect of life.
Teach them, how to grow and multiple your grace and gift 📦 which was deposited in them, right from the foundation of the world 🌎 before they were conceived in their mother’s womb.
Delivery them, from the spirit of borrowing, amid abundance, rather make them, skillful and creative in thinking 💭 so they can use what 😦 you have already deposited in them to develop themselves not to keep, borrowing to tie the destiny of their children to an unknown end.
Decorate their life paths with Pison of Eden, Gihon of Ethiopia 🇪🇹 Hiddekel of Assyria, and the Euphrates. Let it flow in the life in season ❄️ and out of season ⛄ through Christ ⛪ our Lord 👑
Make out of them, better 👍 and greater leaders 👑 such that had never been born in Nigeria 🇳🇬 teach them wisdom beyond Solomon 🇸🇧 to harness the gift deposited in them and resources deposited in our land.
Show them the path of Unity, all these and more I ask on behalf of our children through Christ our Lord 👑 Amen.
Apostle Ken.
If you agree with me and you believe that this prayer is the same as you desired for your children, share it with your friends and family, including me that have share it with you.