

Wow, Princess Harmony Onyeisi- Chukwudumebi, read a book, from Chukwudumebi Twins Foundation’s  library titled ‘Who Moved My Cheese, she’s just 9years old, without being told she went on to share with her friends in class about the book.

see the first sets of twins, that will read “The Vision of Chukwudumebi Twins Foundation, and endorse it, share their thoughts on our blog, TwinsArchives.Com, then comment, and share the vision with their friends.

This challenge is open to twins, and twins- plus, any other persons that are interested in the prize attached to these, should follow the instructions below

To register for this challenge, you must be a twin or twins- plus. (Twins- Plus means, triplets and above)

For none twins and twins-plus, your entry will be valid, only when you have liked our page, tagged any twins or shared this vision with any twins, twins-plus, or any of their family members and friends, to enable them to partake in this challenge. The rewards will be on first come consideration.

When you endorse this article, kindly send your picture and curriculum vitae, to for profiling.

Chukwudumebi Twins Foundation in collaboration with and host of others will reward anyone that their name is picked during our raffle draws. For more information call 09065548477. For partnership of sponsorship, you’re also welcomed.

Our vision @ Chukwudumebi Twins Foundation and TwinsArchives.Com

We sincerely celebrate   Peter and Paul Okoye (Psquare) on their 40th birthday. Though this is coming weeks after their birthday, it is for a purpose, for there is a purpose for everything under the sun.

First and foremost, we want to congratulate the both of you, for reconciling your differences @40. A prove to the saying that life begins at forty .we are glad you, never allowed the saying that a fool at forty is a fool forever to be your portion.

As icons and heroes of, we are delighted to share with you, the values of your reconciliations to the Foundation and young blog.

As twins, we represent the power of creation, symbols of love and unity. God said let us make man in our image and likeness, indicating the presence of more than one personality. Every noteworthy achievement that has ever been accomplished in life was done in the company of two or more personalities, which is what we represent, that makes us an uncommon breeds.

We found love, bond, and friendship right from our mother’s womb, an uncommon gift that is hard to find amongst the single breed. Because, we watch each other’s back, an injury to one is an injury to the other.

Our joy at Ct Foundation and knows no bounds as the reconciliation between the both of you, serves as a landmark for Ct Foundation to share with you and the host of other successful twins and twins- plus, the dreams, vision, and aspirations of the foundation through our blog.

Our vision spans from, building a community of twins, profiling twins from all works of life, creating platforms to organizing a competition like; twins quiz competitions, twins  mathematics competition, football, pageantry, basketball, long tennis, athletic, music, etc from primary school to tertiary level, communities, LGA, State, National, Continental, until we build the capacity to host the first-ever Twins Olympic, first-ever Twins World Cup, first-ever Miss world Twins pageantry, and twins version of all other existing tournaments.

We are working smart to host Twins Adventure Search, Twins Talent Adventure, Twins Adventure House, and any other reality TV shows, that will help the twin’s child express their self, to make the world a better place for twins. And lots more…

Case Study

Honestly, this article is a working plan, to help twins. Each time, I see how, families with twins struggle to take care of those children, especially those, with two or three children, before the arrival of the twins. Talk of the family with, triplet, quadruplets, etc.

The world at large should come to terms that twins are a peculiar breed, which needs to be recognized and given adequate care, the same care, and attention given to any special child. 

For example, a family on the left hand side, in the compound where I live gave birth to three sets of twins. You can imagine the financial implications of training those children; the woman is a petty trader and the husband a civil servant.

Another family on my right hand side has a set of twins after three or four children.

The widow upstairs, in our office, already had three children before the arrival of their twins. 

You can imagine the burden on her alone to train the twins and three others, as a tailor.

Another lady, I meet in a taxi, who later became a friend, after two years is yet to come out of the trauma of the death of her twins. I can go on and on……….

With the present situation of things, something needs to be done to assist these families with twins, to lessen their burdens.

 I believe, the vision of our foundation  that we have shared with you, when we  all come together with your wealth of experience and exposure to support this vision, and explore the opportunities that lies within the vision; the legacy of Mary Slessor  will not be in vain. Yes, we are aware that you have your personal means of assisting the needy, but this one is for the love of twins. The love and bond we shared from our mother’s womb that can never be broken. For the same reason, I cannot rest nor allow my twin brother to remain insane.

 The same reason, you reconciled with your brother. I may not be the only person with this idea; but I braved it, to be the first in the world making this proposal by sharing it with you via the foundation’s blog,as your reconciliation motivated us to and also as your birthday gift.

We also believe that through this vision, enough job opportunities must have been created through the various platforms that we have outlined and more to absorb twins.

Our Ceo and founder, Mr. Harbor Kenneth Onyeisi, tried to draw the attention of Mr. President, Muhammadu Buhari on this subject matter, in his open letter, to him, published on face book page, @rippledffects. Where he said that he will create, ten thousand job opportunities in 48 hours. Of course, you already know the outcome as no one cared to listen to him. From the vision of the foundation, anyone that read that article can testify that, he was trying to make his own contribution for the development of our dear country.

According to him, he was in primary school when President Buhari , was The Head of State;  so he followed his light, to write him an open letter, hoping  to share this vision with him, but no question from any portal till your reconciliation. An opportunity someone like Gov Wike, will not allow to pass him bye. You can imagine his legacies as a Minister for Education and as a governor.

Having shared our visions, we look forward to collaborating with you,(as God said, come let us create man in our imagine and likeness) and flying on your wings to reach out to the host of others, like; the Nigerian mid fielder John Mikel Obi(father of twins) the former  Nigerian footballer and assistant coach Daniel Amokachi(father of twins), Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United, and the captain of Portugal national team,(father of twins),Tony Onyemaechi Elumelu,  a Nigerian economist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. The chairman of Heirs Holdings, United Bank for Africa, Transcorp and founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, (father of twins) Arc Akor Adapoyi , Managing Director Details 2 Dot Development Limited.(father of twins) Dr Obiageli Ezekwesili, is an economic policy expert, an advocate for transparency, accountability, good governance and Human Capital Development, a humanitarian and an activist.(mother of twins),Anita Okoye, is a lawyer and a social activist(mother of twins) . Victoria Elliot, wife to Hon Desmond Elliot. (Mother of twins)

The vice Chancellor of the University Of Port Harcourt, Prof. Owunari Georgewill and Justice. Biobele .A.Georgewill JCA.  (Successful twins)  Nazim and Kalim Amokachi, (successful twins) chidinma and Chidiebere Aneke (successful twins), Davidson and Osmond Ezinwa,(successful twins)etc the list is too numerous to mention.

You can agree with me that there are a lot of twins out there searching for a suitable platform where they can express themselves and fulfill their dreams in life. I believe that an exclusive twin’s platform will make it easier for them to be able to express themselves in good time. We are convinced  that Mary Slessor’s Foundation will be glad to give all their support seeing that her legacy and her seed of love in Nigeria, has grown to something that will eventually impact the lives of twins all over the world. Remember that God used Mary Slessor to prevent the killing of twins in Nigeria, and Africa. This is the reason you and I have the privilege to exist today.

We  love the bond between you and your brother and the legacy you both have left for us to immolate, likewise the Aneke’s, the Amokachi’s and the Ezinwa’s, Osmond’s and Davidson, I can remember them back then in UNN (University Of Nigeria Nsukka) their passion for what they do, also influence my dreams to become a gymnast. They are the first set of twins that motivated me in life. Today your reconciliation has proven to the world that we are better off sticking together in love than apart.

Though my dreams of becoming one of the world finest gymnast was cut short due to circumstances beyond my control, am sure my childhood friend and colleague at the Boys Scout, Chinedu Ikedieze MFR (a k.a.Aki) will never forget me, for my acrobatic displays back in those days, as well as members of my old boys association “stoba95” St.Theresa’s college Nsukka.

Beyond the positive impact this vision will make, economically, social-economically, the trade values, and sustainability human capital development of this vision. Our primary concern is that the twins and twins-plus all over the world that needs to be helped, will have a voice at all Level.

The same way Mary Slessor was a voice for the existence of twins in Nigeria.

Nelson Mandela said “it seems impossible until it is done” we are confident that we have the capacity to achieve it.

We also want to commend the efforts of other authorities that have been in the forefront doing their best to support twins like; Nigeria Twins Foundation, Association for Reproduction and Family Health( ARFH) Save the Children, Multiple Child Birth, Action Aids Nigeria, Family Health Intervention 360, Tony Elumelu Foundation, Dangote Foundation, Center For Creative Development Strategy(CCDS), MTN Foundation, World Health Organization,(WHO) European Union,(EU) Bill Gate Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, World Trade Organization(WTO) UNICEF etc.

It is always our Ernest expectations that through our collaboration with you and the host of others we shall be able to discuss with authorities like NFA, CAF, FIFA, Olympics,  and other authorities in all our field of interest.


On our road map it will not be a bad idea to host the first- ever twin celebrity novelty match at Real Madrid Academy Port Harcourt Rivers State to unveil the official logo of the foundation. We look forward the vice Chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt, Prof .Owunari Georgewill and Justice Biobele .A.Georgewill JCA, as our  star twins from Rivers State, to lead the way, as we tour and celebrate the legacies and landmark projects of Gov Wike, in Rivers State, that inspired our vision.

Once again congratulations, on your reconciliation at forty, we commend your wisdom of reconciliation at forty, which motivated us to share our vision, as look forward to hosting their heroes and heroine at their first award night on your 41st birthday

Long live P-square.

Long live twins and twin’s plus

Long live Ct Foundation.















Published by

Chukwudumebi Twins Foundation


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